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New Jersey’s Patronage Pits

Disgraced former governor, James “Machiavelli” McGreevey, has landed himself a job teaching law, ethics and leadership at Kean University. Ironically, McGreevey will be helping to drain the state’s coffers at a state college built on 150 acres of land donated by former NJ Gov.Tom Kean’s family.

With the new post, McGreevey can once again accrue credits for years of service in the state pension system because Kean is a public college. McGreevey, 49, already has more than 19 years of service in the pension system. His final retirement benefit will be calculated based mostly on his nearly three years as governor, when he earned $157,000 a year. He will be eligible for his full pension once he has 25 years in the system and reaches his 60th birthday.
New Jersey’s taxpayer funded universities and colleges are major patronage pits for the Democratic Party. Sen. Wayne Bryant with a no-work position at New Jersey’s University of Medicine and Dentistry, former Gov. Jim Florio with his $96,632 salary for teaching one day per week at Rutgers and now, even the Xpatriated moonbat is cashing in at New Jersey City University. That's to name just a few. But hey, "it’s for the children”!

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