The State of Blue Debate
How can anyone take Blue Jersey blogger Juan Melli-Huber’s seriously? His contributions consist of snide remarks, sophomoric tactics, exaggerations and outright lies to counter positions different from his. Here’s the latest example.
Some in New Jersey’s legislature and Melli-Huber think the state’s death penalty should be abolished for all crimes. State Sen. Gerald Cardinale disagrees and released a statement. Here it is in its entirety:
Here, in its entirety, is Melli-Huber’s response to Cardinale’s statement:
If Melli-Huber had a strong case for banning the death penalty for terrorists, cop killers and child murderers he could have presented it. He didn’t. How can anyone pretend this guy is some sort of serious political player? What’s the purpose of his blog - an Orwellian test project?
The purpose of mine is to expose moonbats.
Some in New Jersey’s legislature and Melli-Huber think the state’s death penalty should be abolished for all crimes. State Sen. Gerald Cardinale disagrees and released a statement. Here it is in its entirety:
Senator Gerald Cardinale, (R-39), issued the following statement regarding the Trenton Democrat’s plans to abolish the death penalty in New Jersey without retaining exemptions for terrorists, cop killers and child rapists and murderers.Keep in mind the New Jersey Legislature voted unanimously back in March 2002 to make murder committed through terrorism punishable by death (NJSA 2C:11-3C).
"Less than 48 hours before the Senate Judiciary Committee moves legislation that will ban capital punishment for terrorists in New Jersey a terrorist cell was captured planning to massacre personnel at Fort Dix. Now that we have confirmation that terrorists are actively operating in New Jersey we must retain the option of the ultimate punishment for those who conspire to commit mass murder as well as cop killers and child sex fiends."
Here, in its entirety, is Melli-Huber’s response to Cardinale’s statement:
State Senator Gerald Cardinale (R-39) voted earlier this year for a 20% property tax credit which would have benefited the alleged Fort Dix terrorists from Cherry Hill and Buena Vista Township. Under the plan he supported, would-be terrorist homeowners residing in New Jersey - like those charged today - could see their property taxes cut by up to 20%, depending on their income level. This would enable the terrorists to purchase more guns and other weapons.See what I mean about Melli-Huber? Disagree with him and he responds with total nonsense. Cardinale didn’t paint anyone as pro-terrorist. He’s advocating a position that five years ago had unanimous bipartisan support in New Jersey. There’s nothing crass, opportunistic, divisive or fear mongering for a state senator to express his opinion about pending legislation. That’s his job.
Yes, it's pretty ridiculous to play politics with terrorism, but that's exactly what Senator Cardinale is trying to do by painting those who oppose capital punishment as pro-terrorist. Nevermind (sic) the fact that terrorists would most likely be prosecuted under federal law. This is nothing less than crass opportunism and divisive fearmongering(sic).
If Melli-Huber had a strong case for banning the death penalty for terrorists, cop killers and child murderers he could have presented it. He didn’t. How can anyone pretend this guy is some sort of serious political player? What’s the purpose of his blog - an Orwellian test project?
The purpose of mine is to expose moonbats.
Labels: Blue Jersey, Death Penalty, Juan Melli-Huber
Ummm, the post from Melli-Huber was meant to be sarcasm, not a real response. It was in the vein of A Modest Proposal.
Get a grip.
Posted by
Anonymous |
8:02 PM
You’re right Juan Melli-Huber’s post was sarcastic. It was also juvenile and dishonest, purposely misrepresenting Cardinale’s statement and motives for his position. That was my point.
Melli-Huber obviously wouldn’t have written the post had Cardinale not published his statement. It was a response and was in the same vain as other Blue Jersey posts on the death penalty - Republican Bloodlust, Fear & Smear and The Hannibal Lecter Republicans.
Jonathan Swift? Give me a break!
Posted by
Exposer |
10:51 AM